Piccola BI-Layer Tablet Press

Product Code: AJMAC1025
Model: DC-D-11
Manufacture: Riva Piccola

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Unit is completely stainless steel. Excellent working condition. Comes complete with touch screen controls. "D" Tooled 11 station press. Capable of doing single and bi-layer tablets. Includes "director" software. The Piccola Bi-layer with its larger turret diameter pre-compression and variable speed allows for realistic scale up to larger rotary presses. The dual paddle feed system helps maintain uniform die fill and represents production equipment. With the large variable speed range and At 50,000 tablets per hour the Piccola Bi-layer can be utilized for small or specialized production runs. The 30-minute tooling change over makes the Piccola Bi-layer especially attractive when smaller batches are required

Touch screen Instrumentation..